Hello everyone!,
I would like to inform you about NMEA in this same article I have attached links to all the other articles that explain the messages.
MEA stands for National Marine Electronics Association. The messages that are sent via this protocol are called sentences. These kind of messages are used for several applications.
NMEA messages can contain the following information Quality of the location, number of satellites used at the location, number of satellites in sight, Accuracy of the location and the Latitude, Longitude and Altitude.
- $GPBOD messages
- $GPGGA messages
- $GPBWC messages
- $GPGLL messages
- $GPGSA messages
- $GPZDA messages
- $GPXTE messages
- $GPWPL messages
- $GPVTG messages
- $GPVBW messages
- $GPSTN messages
- $GPTRF messages
- $GPRTE messages
- $GPRMC messages
- $GPRMB messages
- $GPRMA messages
- $GPR00 messages
- $GPHDT messages
- $GPGSV messages