The EFIX F4 Rover Set

Hello guys! :wave: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The F4 GNSS receiver integrates positioning and communication technologies in a rugged unit that is designed to provide work flexibility. When RTK networks are unavailable at your job sites, just easily set up one F4 GNSS UHF base and use your F4 GNSS UHF rover to conduct your RTK survey :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Why surveyors choose the EFIX F4:

  • Advanced multipath mitigation technology and low elevation tracking technology.

  • Adaptive anti-interference capability to effectively suppress narrowband and single-tone radio interference.

  • Users achieve accurate positioning even in complex electromagnetic environments.

Available on EFIX F4 Rover set | Lowest price online | Global GPS Systems :artificial_satellite:

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