Aplitop MDT works with various versions of CAD systems, facilitating the exchange of information between users through drawings in DWG format. They are as follows:
- AutoCAD® 2010 to 2022 (32 and 64 bits)
- BricsCAD® Pro/Platinum. Versions V.15 to V.20 (32 and 64 bits)
- ZWCAD® Professional/Enterprise. Versions 2012+ to 2020 Supported Operating Systems MDT 8.5 is compatible with the following operating systems, in 32 and 64 bits:
- Windows 7
- Windows 8/8.1
- Windows 10
Support for Imperial Units
In the configuration you can set the linear units in meters, feet or inches. Improvements in Reports For reports that include coordinates, you can choose from several sorting and naming possibilities: XYZ, YXZ, ENZ, and NEZ.
The reports show the units where applicable. Hardware or Software Protection In addition to conventional single or network USB keys, software protection is now also supported.
New Network Module
The professional version includes a new menu with functions for top view and profile drawings of water, sanitation, rainwater and other networks.
Drawing of nodes and edges
Nodes can be imported from file, converted from points or blocks, or inserted manually. The terrain elevations are automatically obtained from the current surface, and you can enter the grade height or depth. The width of the well and the block to be used for the manhole are also indicated.
Pipes are created by joining nodes or converting 2D or 3D polylines, giving diameter and material from a customizable list. Slopes, coating, and distance between wells are checked.
Drawing of network
You can configure the representation of nodes and edges in the top view drawing, choosing layers, thicknesses and attributes to label.
The profile draws the wells with their attributes and the pipes with their diameter, material, slope, intersection with other pipes, etc. Nodes and edges can be edited on top view or profile, with the possibility of modifying elevations and slopes. The cross-sections include the representation of the pipes in their real position with respect to the ground.
In addition, all networks can be drawn in 3D with their actual dimensions.
Networks can be exported to LandXML and shape formats for GIS integration and JSON to process with CYPE applications.
Importing and exporting IFC
Import and export of IFC2x3, IFC4 and IFC4.1 files are supported.
The managed objects are topographic surfaces, earthworks, horizontal and vertical alignments, roadbed layers and networks.
Other construction objects can also be imported.
Definition and assignment of properties
Properties and property sets can be defined as established by the technical specifications and BIM Execution Plans.
Properties can also be assigned to Aplitop TcpMDT objects.
The identifier of each object (GUID) is kept in the export, to facilitate integration with other projects. Classifications. It can work with various classifications of objects, such as Uniformat, GuBIMclass, etc. as well as assigning the corresponding codes to each object.
BIM-5D and BIM-6D
All necessary information for the preparation of measurements and quotations (BIM-5D) as well as consumption and emissions data for sustainability indicators (BIM-6D) can be exported to IFC.
Integration with Navisworks
The IFC files generated by MDT can be added to Navisworks, so that the properties of the objects are used by the quantification book to generate all kinds of reports.
New BIM viewer for road projects
A viewer for IFC files of road projects is included, which in addition to displaying the model in 3 dimensions, has specific views for the horizontal and vertical alignments, profiles, superelevations, animation along the road, etc.
Conversion of Covadis points
In addition to the previous options for creating points from drawing entities, an option has been added to convert directly Covadis points.
Create points from cross-sections
To the command to create points from cross-sections has been added the possibility of drawing 3D polylines joining each profile, as well as drawing a boundary line.
Enhancements in point codes database
Various enhancements have been made to optimise performance with databases with hundreds or thousands of records.
Surfaces and Grids
Importing of WCS
Import of grids through Web Coverage Services has been implemented following OGC standards. In this way it is possible to obtain an approximate digital model of any area that can be useful for preliminary studies, etc.
Grid smoothing
Using this command, we can smooth a grid reducing the presence of unwanted peaks as well as the roughness of the terrain. For this, a radius of action and a number of iterations to apply are requested.
Remove peaks
This command allows you to correct a grid by modifying vertices that form peaks in it, indicating the area, tolerance and a number of iterations.
Fill holes
This new command interpolates the dimensions in the gaps (islands) of a grid and can be useful to complete digital elevation models generated by photogrammetry applications with areas not covered due to lack of information.
Assignment of work units to earth works
This utility allows assigning work units to earthwork files generated by the commands of this group of options within the surfaces menu.
This is especially useful to automatically obtain reports on work units, consumption and emissions, and material execution budget.
Import and export of LandXML files
LandXML files containing points and surfaces based on imperial units can now be processed.
Cartography and Contours
Import WFS services
Using this new command, it is possible to import objects from entity web services (Web Feature Services), with which it is easier to obtain vector cartography without the need to download and cut data files manually.
Contour lines from grids
The contour generation algorithm when the current surface is a mesh has been improved, which is increasingly common when using digital elevation models downloaded from official bodies or generated by photogrammetry applications.In this section of the configuration, two new parameters have been introduced: resolution and minimum perimeter, which help to generate a cleaner map and with a better presentation.
Enhancements in labelling of contour lines
You can configure the labeling of contour lines so that elevation texts are not opaque. You can also choose the position of the text with respect to the contour.
Import GIS
In addition to shape and GML formats, the import of GeoJSON point, linear and polygonal files is now also supported.
You can also choose the layer name and color in the same dialog.
Export GIS
It is now smarter, so it controls whether the selected objects match the geometry type chosen for export.
Horizontal Alignments
New horizontal alignment viewer
A new alignment editor is included, which allows viewing alignment files in MDT or LandXML format, as well as consulting their data and manually entering alignments with their numerical parameters.
Labelling of alignment elements with Chile’s MOP specifications
In the label alignments command, you can now choose the style required by the Chilean Ministry of Public Works (MOP).
Import and export of LandXML files
LandXML files with imperial units can be imported and exported.
New quick profile
The quick profile viewer has been modernised so that information is presented more clearly and offers more options.
New profile editor
A new longitudinal profile editor has been created, more efficient and with more drawing and editing options, export to vector and image formats, etc.
Customisation of drawing
In the advanced options for drawing cross sections, the possibility of drawing the vertical ruler to the left or right has been added, as well as defining horizontal lines from the vertical ruler to the ground contact.
In the elements of the drawing, there is also now the possibility to indicate that the data line extends to the comparison plane.
New cross-sections editor
A new cross-section editor has been designed, which is used in commands such as review profiles and drawing profiles in stages. It has multiple options to make cross-sections editing easier and more intuitive, with configurable panels, pop-up menus, new toolbars, etc.
Vertical Alignments
New vertical alignment editor
MDT 8.5 also includes a new grade line editor, which allows interactive editing of vertices and vertical curves, with maximum slope controls and multiple drawing and editing options.
Drawing top view grade line
The option to draw the position of the entry and exit tangents as well as the vertex of the vertical curve data has been incorporated into the Draw Grade in Plan command.
Road Templates
Assignment of work units to roadbed layers
Now you can assign a series of work units to the roadbed layers, indicating the density and endowment, as well as apply it to the total volume, upper surface or lower surface of the layer. With this, it is possible to automatically generate the reports: work unit measurements, material execution budget and consumption and emissions.
Application of superelevation files to vectors
In addition to the road superelevation file that can be applied to selected vectors, it is now possible to choose a different file applicable to specific vectors in the road template.
Berm slopes improvements
The possibility of defining a slope of the horizontal segment of the berm slopes has been implemented.
Calculate embankment restoration
For this command, in addition to the existing option to create the parallel restoration, a new option has been incorporated that allows it to be defined horizontally, calculating the depth at the axis position.
Export to 3D model
A new command has been implemented to export the geometry of roads and earthworks in 3D to KML formats of Google Earth and OBJ.
New superelevation editor
A new editor for superelevation and curvature diagram has been implemented with the same technology that has been used for profiles, etc.
Quantity Take-off
Integration with work unit databases
MDT 8.5 includes the possibility of selecting a database of work units in BC3 format, as well as editing their corresponding items.
Assignment of work units to objects
In addition to assigning work units to roadbed layers and earthworks, it is also possible to assign them to specific objects such as traffic signs, lampposts, etc. or linear such as the crash barriers. In this way, reports can be generated that include all the elements of the project.
Work units report
Within the quantity take-off menu, new reports have been added that allow the work units to be related to the design of roads, earthworks and other drawing entities.
This option generates a report with all the geometric measurement data of the work units, in addition to their densities and factors, with their corresponding measurement units.
Consumption and emissions report
MDT 8.5 allows to associate to each work unit the data of CO2 emissions, water and fuel consumption, energy consumption and waste emission.
Likewise, a consumption and emissions report can be generated for the entire project.
Budget of material execution
Another of the new benefits of MDT 8.5 is the generation of a report with the material execution budget of the project, calculated from the work units assigned to it.
Area and volume report of multiple roads
The user now has the possibility of selecting several roads, generating a separate area and volume report for each one of them.
Volumes by parcels
The report now includes the partial cut and fill surfaces and volumes of each parcel.
WMTS services
In addition to being able to load downloaded WMS services as a base map in CAD, it is now also possible to use Web Map Tile Services, available through public and private entities, and being able to specify their resolution.
Management of user and passwords in web map services
In the map web services list of each user, their username and password are conveniently encrypted.
Selection of parcels
In all parcel commands that require one of them to be graphically designated, in addition to allowing the selection of their boundary, it is now also possible to select them by name. This is especially useful for selecting adjacent parcels.
Import of GML files
The Import GML command from the parcels menu now also supports electronically signed files in XAdES format, with the extension .xsig.
Parcels Plans
This new command allows generating a presentation in paper space with each parcel, giving the scale, paper format, etc. It is ideal for generating detailed plans of urbanisation plots.
Labelling of parcels
This command inserts a table in the drawing with detailed information about a selected parcel, being able to select vertices, lengths of the sides, interior angles, exterior angles, X, Y coordinates and point codes.
Plotting of parcels
New improvement in the Parcels> Print command. Now it allows to show several parcels in the same report.
Project points over parcel limits
This new command projects the selected points onto the boundaries of a parcel, keeping the original points. This is useful to carry out cadastral works in which it is necessary to adapt to the official limits of the plot.
Cadaster of France
New functions have been implemented that allow the import and export of files in DA numeric format, used by expert geometers in France.
Access to technical support
A new Support submenu has been created within Utilities, which allows easy access to training videos, sending suggestions, reporting errors, checking for available updates, etc.
New coordinate systems and geoids
The Pseudo-Mercator projection has been added, allowing the use of the WGS84 / Pseudo-Mercator coordinate system (EPSG: 3857). The following local geoids have been added: MAPGEO2015 (Brazil), VITEL2014 (Hungary), RH70 and RH2000 (Sweden), and hBG18 (Belgium).
New command for transforming points
This utility allows you to apply a transformation or local system created previously to a selection of points.
Improvements in coordinate transformation reports
In addition to the previous option to generate HTML reports, they can now also be recorded in text format.