South G7 how to make new base point for point with unknown elevation

We have a South G7 base - rover station system in Ethiopia and have to make a first elevation base point to which we can reference rover points. Is there anyone who has done this with the G7 and has written a small manual with steps and configurations used? It is not clear to me from the G7 manuals how to do this.

Would the following procedure be appropriate for getting a first elevation point using the base station?

  • Set up base station on tripod, measure height above surface of station
  • choose coordinate system (WGS84?)
  • Set up the base station in Static mode
  • Record data (what format, interval?)
  • Let station measure for a couple of hours
  • Download recorded data and post process to get good elevation estimate
  • Assign the obtained elevation to this point forming a base for the rover.

I hope that someone can enlighten me on this.

Hello Sir,

I uploaded a simple user manual about how to set the base and rover and the datalink internal radio,
Here is the link

Best Regards

Hello Thomas,
Thanks for the quick support and the document that you sent, very helpful. I do have a question, in that we did not find any geodetic elevation point in the area that we study, i.e. the Rift Valley in Ethiopa. There may be such points but it is impossible to find out who knows where they are. When we arrive at your “2.set up the base on the know point”" and “Start up mode” we select “Input base coordinates it means base set on the known point” in your document the problem is that we do not have such known points yet.

We therefore want to make our own base points by leaving the base station logging every second for a sufficient amount of time (8 hours or more?) on a point such that the position and elevation of that point can be determined fairly accurately. If we have our first base point, we can use the info in your manual to continue.

Have you established such a base point somewhere with the G7 system yet in an area where there are no geodetic elevation points yet? If so, please let us know the procedure and optimal settings.

If we find out through trial and error, I’ll share the information with the community.

“ave you established such a base point somewhere with the G7 system yet in an area where there are no geodetic elevation points yet?”

Sorry! no the points.

If the area without any control points, Generally do control survey and leveling at first. but now have not done,in this case, you could recond on this point for a period time with single solution, and then get a average value as the known coordinates.

or just simply collect a single point as the know point.

or some measurement organization can help you to get some control points.

Best Regards

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for the answer. We shall proceed as you suggest by placing a base station at a point for a very long time and then use the average for coordinates and height. I think that that is the best we can do in absence of any known elevation marker points. What do you mean by “Single solution”? I also guess that we put the system in static or base mode for this.

Sorry for reply you lately,
Single solution means there is no correction data for the receiver, just it can get single solution or do static. because you have not the control points for base or rover to calibrate. so only use single solution or use the static.

Best Regards!

Hi Thomas,
Thanks for the reply!

Hello Thomas,

We have progressed doing our elevation measurements in Ethiopia and we have written a manual on the procedure to create base points in areas with no known geodetic elevation points with the South Galaxy G7 DGPS. I share the manual in this post and hope that others may use it for generating their own base points when needed. Thanks for your input.


Maarten Waterloo

AW_107_MW_180849 manual_creating_reference_elevation_point_south_g7_mjw_20230620.pdf (895.1 KB)

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hello, can you help me with the rtk quick guide, I think I have a similar problem, the height of the base on a South G1 system. Thank you very much!!

Hi Zaru, could you let us know where are you located? we will find our nearest support to contact you directly, thanks

Hi Zaru,

I hope that you managed already after consulting with South-Michelle. I am not familiar with the G1 system but the procedure should be similar to that described for the G7 system that we operate as in the attached document. To establish a base point height you need to leave the system running for at least a number of hours (as long as possible) and submit the data for post-processing, as described in the document. If you have more specific questions let me know and I’ll try to assist.

Maarten Waterloo
Acacia Water
The Netherlands