Expired code in the receiver G7

Unfortunately, I only got the content of your message by email without the code.
Enter the code on the forum if you can or write my email: grupa.libre@gmail.com

Best regards

Hi Bob

I would like to ask you to send the code to my G7 to grupa.libre@gmail.com or in the forum text because in the previous message I only got a message without the code.

My G7 is not working and I cannot work.

I am asking for help as soon as possible

Best regards

Hi @Przemek1,
Sorry nobody was available over the weekend… Attached are the codes:

G7 AAFF7F6DE7BB5B612E6740A5F27AC631A4E0

G2 7F386CA54DCDBF33BCC6B36B24005FDBAB18

Thank You very much :slight_smile:
Best regards

Here i also have the Problem with expired Code in g2 receiver. please sende me a permanent Code.

My serial number ist: SG50B8148601890EKA

Hi @dg2405,

This is the code:)


Hi Bob,

Please send me pernament code for the new G7.
The device number is N0EY100000006003133D048910

Thank you very much


Serial number : S910C1148614453

HI @Mejla15,

This code is not available yet, approx in 1 week we will have it. There should be a temporary code in there now:) will send it when we have it in our accounts :ok_hand:


I have code expired on both my G2’s SG50B8148601878EKA and SG50B8148601739EKA. Can I get codes please and how do I install them?


Hi @seamusmoley,

G2 SG50B8148601878EKA DA0AD2A2FAFC058444648F0FDCC768459EDC
G2 SG50B8148601739EKA AD75F9ACE0DA6B2CCD808056512A6FFDC1AC

on the top of this topic you can find the explanation :slight_smile:

Thank’s Bob!

Thanks bob. sorted


S910C1148614453NKA D734304E14FD2046F59F29C7210F73DB0D43

I am struggling with a similar problem on a G1 plus. Is it possible to get a code that dont need updating for this device too? SG11A4133333526

Let me check for you:)

Did you buy this device from us?

Hello Please new activation code for G7 receiver, because it will expire soon. My device serial no is: 8000S910C1148617445.


Hi @peter123x
Its in your mailbox:)