e-Field Instructions for area evaluation

Hello, I need your help.
How can I create a area evaluation in PDF.
(See attachment)
Can’t find this function on my device. And I didn’t find any information in the user manual either.

Last year this was still possible.

Current software version is = efield

I hope you can support me in the short term.

Thank you

job-20231208033249_2023-12-11-23-46-26.pdf (18.5 KB)

Hi Benjamin,

See attached the Google Drive link to the video on how to create and export an area evaluation in PDF :slight_smile:

Let me know if you have any other questions!



Hello Hugo,

many thanks for your support. That was very helpfull. Can you display the lengths between the measuring points in the aera evaluation?


My pleasure Benjamin :slight_smile:

At the moment it’s not possible to display the lengths between the measured points unfortunately. Maybe it’s possible in future updates of the software. Could be that EFIX is working on it already.