South G7 and SurvX 4.0 - JTSK(Krovak)

please advise.
Where do I find sensor calibration in SurvX? I can not find in the mode with IMU.
I found the difference between the older GNSS and G7 in position and height (about 10cm!, I have compared in the past and the difference was up to 3cm).
Now I measured near the iron halls.
G7 registration code is permanent.

What are the current FW(board/sensors) version numbers for the G7 and SW SurvX?

Thank you for the recommendation.

Hello Tomas,

Please check the device info and send it by screenshot to me.
device info

And copy the activation ID, used register code and send them to me.
Register info

And then connect the WIFI of the device called SOUTH_XXXX (the last four digits of SN). Then use the browser and input and use the admin(username and password are the same) to load the WebUI. And check the IMU version and send it to me.

You can download the calibration videos here. And you need to set the device in a stable place(better in the tribrach and adapter as show in the video). Also need to keep the device level.

By the way, 10cm error comes from the tilt survey? Could you send me more details about it?

Best Regards,

I am sending screenshots.
When I checked the accuracy it was in a free place(maybe without tilt survey). Now it was between the halls with tilt survey (GNSS reported deviations in mm, about 30sat) the measurement did not match the existing GNSS ( older Trimble).

For the G7 bluetooth connection, there are two profiles.
RTK and RTK(inertial) tilt survey?. With the inertial profile, the menu for sensor calibration is missing in the program.

Thank you

Hello Tomas,

You can download and install the latest SurvX for sensor calibration missing cause for the old version,this function only adding to the RTK profiles.

And you can upgrade these new version of firmware: 609AB, 220916 and M8-211231.

And for your test, what is the distance form it to the CORS station? And is the station a double Satellite CORS? How many points you tested?

Best Regards,

Thank you for sending the FW, is it possible to find out the description of the changes?
I found SurvX version 4.0.220727.095811. The calibration menu is displayed.
To receive corrections, I can use these two services (in the attachment).

Probably the same error as here?

It also occurred to me, that during the second measurement of the same point, the deviation from the first measurement was large. In the same session (about 15 min) with a fixed solution.

I’ll have a second GNSS this weekend, I’ll try to do a comparison measurement again…
With tilt turned on.


Hello Tomas,

You surveyed with tilt IMU on,right? The older compared GNSS also used IMU or not?
The points error comes from two parts: receiver and IMU. Once you turned it on, it will larger than without IMU. Did you ever get a comparison test without IMU?
I don’t think you faced the same error as Lute met.

Here are the description of the changes:
Optimize the ionospheric parameter model and adjust the ionospheric estimation strategy, adaptively use the de ionospheric delay model, and improve the reliability of RTK positioning in regions with abnormally active ionosphere;
When L1 is disturbed, it supports switching other frequency points for RTK positioning solution to improve availability and reliability;

Best Regards,

Thank you for the information.
The first test after purchase, the IMU was turned off(I couldn’t turn on/choose the right profile :slight_smile: ). The measurement was identical.
Now it was with IMU on, and in a more complicated environment. I am comparing with GNSS without IMU.

Just to be sure.
The name of the board changed during the update, is that ok?
I failed to update the sensor. I tried 2x, it won’t restart at the end. The version will not change…


Hello Tomas,

It is normal for that change and it will not influence the device.

After upgrading the IMU firmware, you need to do one self-check to refresh the info.

Best Regards,

Hello Tao,
OK. After self-check, the version label has changed :+1:
OEM update can be used both, 601AB and 609A9. Content the same, just for a different manufacturer(board)?

Thank you

Hello Tomas,

No, they are from the same manufacturer and be used for the same board.
Identical except firmware version and improved algorithm. Before 601AB version it called one, and from the 609A9 it called another. Don’t mind it.

Best Regards,

Hello Tao,

I am sending a small test. Alternatively, I’ll make a better one when I have time…
It is in clear terrain, no obstacles/trees
Trimble has less spread between individual measurements. It doesn’t have that much of an effect on the measurement.
But the main difference is around 8cm between the Trimble systems above South, the measurement then does not follow… Altitudes fit nicely! Max. 2cm.
It is not possible to supply a geoid model or something that improves the transformation to JTSK (Czech EPSG:5514)?

Thank you

Hello Tomas,

The question you mentioned i got it, We will feed back the problem of Czech coordinate system in SurvX.

We have another software SurvStar also R&D by ourselves, we improved it many times till now, also updated the Czech coordinate sytem, and easy to use, you could do a simple test if you like, the download link I attached below, the licence code of SurvStar I will send it to your E-mail, pls let me know your E-mail, Thanks!

Some of customers like FGA(Feild Genius Android), I also attached the download link, you could test it directly withouth licence code. this version had been improved after our feedback.

Thanks for you feedback!

Best Regards!


Hello Thomas,
thank you.

I’d love to try it. My email is tom.
I compared several programs, but unfortunately, I did not test the accuracy, with them…

Best Regards

Hello Tomas,
The licence code of SurvStar I have sent it your E-mail.

Best Regards!

Hello Thomas_hu, can you please help me with an activation code for the survstar?

Hello Thomas,
SurvStar has better measurement results than SurvX.
Will SurvStar be SOUTH’s flagship software? Is it possible to switch from SurvX to SurvStar?

Thank you

Hi Thomas,
I need to transfer the SurvX software to another terminal. Are there procedures to follow for the transfer of the licence? Thank you.

Hi, can you share survstar apk? wetransfer link is died!

Hi Tomas. Could I ask if you have used the Czech Křovák system and especially the geoid under SurvStar? Do you have Grid and Geoid available?
Thank you for your help

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